My Brothers is using this to create film reviews called "The Antman Reviews" although i love films and i don't want to steal his thunder, im gonna go for reviewing Computer games, i have a huge passion for computer games. i hope you enjoy, many thanks

Sunday 2 January 2011

Is It Time for a change ?

Is it time for change?

I was sat down last night, playing one of the very terrible Xbox 360 exclusives of Fable 3, and i couldn't quite but notice, that the Xbox 360 is very soon going to be made redundant.

If you just think about it for one minute.

The Xbox 360 has no exclusive games anymore! Halo Reach, was one of the final exclusive games on the 360, Mass Effect 2 has now moved over to PS3 at the end of January, and Gears Of War 3, will be the final in the trilogy, even thought that will be coming out on the PS3 in the late future.

Therefore there is nothing going for the 360, accept Kinect, which to be honest, isn't a good look for the 360.

Fable 3 has been going down hill for some time now, and there is no word of another Splinter Cell Game, therefore the only thing holding the torch is Alan Wake.

Sure the Xbox 360 has got a better multiplayer system, but that doesn't matter if you don't have a variety of games.

All of the good multiplayer games Call Of Duty Black Opps, Assassins Creed 2 Brother Hood, Battlefield Bad Company 2, all of these games can also be found on the PS3.

Where as the PS3 has had some of the best games in recent years, God Of War 3, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Killzone 2, and there are going to be even more in 2011, Uncharted 3, Killzone 3, all of these exclusive to the PS3.

So where does this put the 360 is ask?

All of the game due to come out on the 360 are going to be available on PS3.

Some of the games i really want will be on the PS3 anyway, for the same price.

Test Drive 2, Homefront, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, Crysis 2, all available on the PS3, so i think it boils down to either, you want a good multiplayer service, or you want a variety of games to play.

If you have any theroys, please comment.

Many thanks